FEED Program

The FEED program, which stands for Financial Empowerment and Educational Development, is a program designed to help individuals increase their financial knowledge and income with the ultimate goal of achieving home ownership. Homeownership is a significant financial milestone for many people, and programs like FEED can play a crucial role in helping individuals achieve this goal. The program key components and objectives include:

Financial Education, Income Enhancement, Credit Counseling, Homeownership Education, Financial Planning, Savings and Down Payment Assistance, Access to Homeownership Resources, Monitoring and Support, Community Engagement, Measuring Success

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Pre-Purchase Counseling

EDHRC offers clients workshop classes in person and group sessions. Pre-purchase counseling includes but not limited to the counseling and educating the potential tenant on tenant and landlord responsibility as well as fair housing awareness, discrimination, health and safety repairs, filing complaints and eviction mitigation. Counseling includes all the elements of the lease agreement, affordability, and budgeting and rental resources. The counselor reviews the client’s credit, income and budget and help the client to identify any rental subsidies and resources that may be available.

The counselor and client review all documents associated with the rental process and discuss long-term goals related to savings and strategies centered on how to make timely payments. We also talk about the long-term goal of home ownership if tenant would like to be a homeowner.

Post-Purchase Counseling

EDHRC offers clients workshop classes in person, one-on-one, and group sessions. Clients receive important material on how to properly maintain a home, refinance a home, and select a realtor. Clients are assessed for individual needs and are assisted with the tools and services to successfully maintain a home.

Mortgage Counseling

EDHRC works with the client to effectively work with lender/servicers. The counselor with assists with drawing up documents for loan modification and submission of modification documents. The counselor will work with the local or state municipality to identify funds that may be available to assist the home owner. The counselor will work with the homeowner to ensure that they understand the terms of the loan work out / modification agreement prior to signing documents.

The counselor will work with the client to understand their financial situation and identify ways to increase income and reduce debt in an effort to strengthen monthly cash flow and possibly prevent mortgage default. The housing counselor will also work with the client to understand the foreclosure process and timelines and work to identify disposition options and an exit strategy. The counselor will help to identify other resources from other organizations that may be of benefit to the client.

Financial Literacy

EDHRC offers clients workshop classes in person, one-on-one, and group sessions. EDHRC provides a monthly 2-hour financial literacy workshop. It is comprehensive financial education curriculum designed to help an individual development a fundamental understanding of finance. After the workshop, each participant meets one-on-one with a housing counsellor to establish a plan of action specific to the client’s needs. EDHRC also teaches financial literacy to the youth ages 12-19.

Credit Counseling

The counselor conducts a comprehensive review of your credit report to help you understand how to thoroughly examine it and identify any reported errors. The counselor also guides you on disputing errors, managing credit card utilization, and creating and maintaining a monthly housing budget. Additionally, the counselor provides a detailed action plan to improve credit scores. The one-time fee for credit counseling is $70. For continued support, our FEED Program offers extended counseling for six months at a one-time fee of $175, with a discount available for clients who need to extend counseling. Clients can either provide their full credit report or pay an additional $20 to receive a soft pull FICO credit report.


Please click on the link below to schedule your appointment! All appointments are currently virtual. 



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